Divine Potential

Perhaps no other doctrine in early Christianity and in modern Latter-day Saint theology is more controversial and more misunderstood today than the doctrine that humans have divine potential.

Vicious books and movies like "The God Makers" claim that Latter-day Saints deny the divinity of Christ and try to make ourselves into Gods, robbing the Father of His glory. Our true beliefs, which focus on Christ as our Savior and on our eternal relationship as children and eternal subjects of God, are much different than many people have been misled to believe. This thread seeks to correct common misinformation in this area. Other related web pages include the FAQ page on 'Relationships Between God and Man' by Jeff Lindsay.
Also see his page on 'How Are We Saved By Grace? Are "Works" Required for Salvation? Must We Follow and Obey Christ?'

Also recommended, Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks, Offenders for a Word: How Anti-Mormons Play Word Games to Attack the Latter-day Saints (Aspen Books, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1992).

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